Mindi Roberts wrote:
ALWAYS remember there is hope out there!!!! This was sent to me by a friend who is very special and cares a lot about people. She is always there for people if they are struggling with something and she can help them work through it. Back awhile ago, I posted how I had a Cleanse and Clear done, this was from her. She does these online now at a cheaper rate and guided meditation, she will make you feel like a brand new person, I love her she is wonderful. Just out of the blue the other day she sent this to me…I had not talk to her in awhile and she “felt” something was going on with me and she was right…she sent it at the right time and brought a smile to my face.
“As I recognize God as Love, as I recognize God as Peace, as I recognize God as Joy… I know there is a God. As I speak this word it is God’s word, and God’s word is my word. I give thanks for all that I am and all that I have. And right now, I call upon the Divine Creator Source Energy…….I call upon Father Mother God… and I call in my Highest Divine Angels to surround me and wrap me in Pure Perfect Love, Perfect Peace and Perfect Joy. I call in the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael (and their clearing teams) to surround me and clear me of ANY and ALL negative energy that may be attached or moving in, through, or around me. I CUT ALL cords, RELEASE all ties and wipe away all negative energy whatsoever. – With God and my Angels I clear any and all negative attachments. Releasing them and transmutting them into the hands of my angels and those Divine Arch Angels who I have called in. It is AGAINST my Divine will that ANY negativity stay in my space, in my mind or in my body. I step out of fear and into the Divine light. I call UPON and rely ONLY UPON Divine Light from Divine Creator Source Energy. This is my prayer. I know it is done. I release it with love into Law
with gratitude by saying ~ And SO IT IS! Amen!”
Cindy Sommer, Lifeline Healing