Denise Anderson wrote:

Since I started working with Cindy Sommer of Lifeline Healing in March of this year, my life has transformed in so many ways, it’s hard to even know where to begin. Suffice to say that physically, emotionally and spiritually, I have experienced healing at all levels. Each session builds on the one before and the healing goes deeper and deeper for me every time.
I had done a lot of work before meeting Cindy, but something always kept pulling me back into my old thought patterns and old ways of being. It’s so easy to fall back into what’s familiar and comfortable, even if it’s not what’s best for us. It takes something unique to facilitate true change and I found that something in this work with Cindy. Deep down underneath all the layers of the past, of self-sabotaging behaviors and patterns that hurt others, I found the courage and strength to dig myself out from under. This work has lifted me and I am forever grateful.
Last night, I went to another Cleanse and Clear workshop led by Cindy at the White Flame. This one hit home in a very different way. The healing journey that we were taken on entered in so deeply that I was left with what I believe is an ancient truth – forgiveness is the key. It almost feels like my heart has physically expanded to make room for all the Love that’s pouring in!
I woke this morning with these words and I think they pretty much say it all. Thank you, Cindy. Love and Blessings to you and your Angel Team J
Forgiveness Is the Key
I shall not be defined by what
This world says I must be,
I choose the path less walked upon
In Truth, it’s walking me.
And Faith provides the constant Light
That shines on days alone,
Now Trust has entered deeply in
On this, my last walk Home.
Once held captive inside walls
And smothered by confines,
Renounced and broken free at last
Of what this world defines.
For only when we fall from
Head to heart, Love lets us see
The ancient truth that heals us all –
Forgiveness is the key.