Tiffany Moore wrote:

I want to tell the world how amazing Cindy is…last night I had the privilege of working with her for my first healing session and it was CRAZY KOOL…we started with a guided meditation that was out of this world….literally. I saw all the negativity pour from my body and felt the most amazing feeling as the light entered me. After our session it was like I was a new me. I could see clearer and hear better and I truly felt like I could fly. I was so overcome with happiness, a happiness like no other. I found myself just twirling and smiling and laughing. Cindy is an earthbound Angel and her healing abilities are powerful…Thank you is such a cheap word to say but Thank You Cindy from the bottom of my heart I absolutely love talking to you and working with you and your healing abilities are priceless. Once again thank you for sharing your amazing gift with all of us!

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