Whenever you feel disconnected, frustrated, in fear or anxiety etc. STOP, and ground. These tools will help you to connect. Even when you do feel connected, make it a stronger Divine connection. Print these tools out and I’d like to suggest that you strive for these to become strong habits by practicing these tools EVERY MORNING and EVERY NIGHT.

Water: Water helps you to ground. Make every effort to drink MORE WATER – you can add lemon or a slice of orange to the water and see if you can drink a lot more than you ever have. Eventually 8-12 glasses a day will become part of your every day routine! It’ll help with digestion and there are SO many benefits to drinking more water. Benefits of Water

Breathing: Take a deep breath in and then hold that breath for about 4 – 6 seconds. Release slowly and count as you breathe to the count of 8. Do this three times. Yawing is a great way to get those deep breaths into your lungs. Yawn three times. Once you do this, you’ll start to feel the shoulders drop away from the ears.
Benefits of Breathing

Tapping: Tapping is a powerful way to ground and center. Tap with two fingers, at the center of the forehead, just above the bridge of the nose. This is the 3rd eye. Do this for about ten seconds and move to the temple and repeat. Move to just under Eye near the top of cheekbone. Again tapping about 10 seconds in each area. Move to the top lip, then the chin, right in the area where that crease is and then move to chest & collarbone. Each area about ten seconds. My favorite area is what I call the bra slap, located under the arm where the bra line is. Here’s some more info on tapping: Benefits of Tapping

Grounding Cords: Send a grounding cord, at least 2′ wide, from your Root Chakra (between your hips) and see this cord going all the way down into “Center Earth Recycling.” Just set the intention and allow the cord to go into Mother Earth.
Now, send another cord down from your tailbone area to Center Earth Recycling. Feel the support from Mother Earth. You may even feel yourself being ‘pulled down’ in your seat.

Connecting Grounding Cords

Connect Your God-Spark: Visualize a cord coming out of the back of your neck and see it going all the way up to your Divine Source. Connect it just like you would a regular plug and see this cord being ‘plugged in’ to your Highest True Divine Source.

Now visualize yourself CUTTING THE CORDS that no longer serve your highest and best good. Call in your Arch Angels (Michael, Gabriel, and RAFAEL are amazing for this!) and ask for their help and CUT THE CORDS that no longer serve your highest and best good. Visualize yourself having an easy breezy time doing this. There’s nothing hard about it! Take your power back and CUT THOSE CORDS.

Continue to do these simple practices every morning and every night and you will find yourself feeling more connected than ever! Once this becomes a habit, you’ll want to go further in these practices and this will become so easy! If you need assistance, I’m here for you. Feel free to reach out via EMAIL -> Cindy or just call TIE-PEACE-IN! (843.732.2346)

Much love and many blessings,